Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

  1. Objective The objective of this policy is to protect the privacy of our members and other contacts by keeping the personal data held by FoM as minimal and secure as is practicable.
  2. Purpose of holding data  Personal data as described below is held for the purpose of contacting: (a) individual, family and honorary members of FoM; (b) other interested individuals who have requested to be on FoM’s mailing list; (c) contacts in some organisations whose aims overlap those of FoM, who have given permission for this.
  3. Type of data held The personal data held is restricted to: (a) names and postal addresses; (b) email addresses, where provided; (c) telephone number(s), where provided; (d) photographs of members taken at FoM events, subject to their recorded permission, for use in publicity including the website and Newsletters.
  4. How the data is held The personal data of types (a), (b) & (c) is held in an online database with access restricted to named individuals. The database (which also includes other data such as subscription payment information) is maintained jointly by the Membership Secretary and the Treasurer of FoM.
  5. Access to the data The individuals given access to the database are all members of the committee of FoM. All individuals given such access are required not to pass on the personal data list to anyone not on the committee. Departing committee members are required to delete any copies of the list that they have made. (It is recognized that as FoM is a local and friendly organisation, many people are likely to have contact data of specific individuals on a personal basis independently of the database list. That is, of course, not covered by this policy.)
  6. Individual requests Contact details of individuals will NOT be passed on to other members, except that where one member asks to be put in touch with another member, the former (requester)’s contact details may be passed on to the latter with an appropriate message, where convenient.
  7. Circular emails Circular emails may be sent in connection with FoM activities, or in connection with other activities that are related to the aims of FoM. The circulation list will not be shown (i.e. the bcc field will be used).
  8. Unsubscription  Anyone on the circulation list may be taken off it at any time upon notification of the Membership Secretary. A note advising of this option shall be appended to all circular emails. Notwithstanding this, members who have not resigned shall be sent an invitation to the AGM by post. Subscribing members’ details shall be removed from the database at the end of a financial year without payment of subscription.
  9. Advertisement of policy The existence of this policy shall be advertised to existing members, and to potential new members at the point of application.